Little Lake City School District Home

Family Resource Center

family resources
The LLCSD Family Resource Center’s Mission is to eliminate barriers for all LLCSD students by providing comprehensive services to our most vulnerable populations and advocating for successful transitions, re-engagement, and social emotional awareness with the goal of empowering students to reach their potential and maximize higher educational achievement.
Programs Include:
  • Foster Youth
  • McKinney-Vento
  • Newcomer Program
  • Parent Engagement

At A Glance

About Us Image

About Us

Welcome to the Little Lake City School District. On behalf of the Board of Education, our staff, and myself, it is my pleasure to greet you. Established in 1871, our suburban elementary school district is situated in the southeastern part of Los Angeles County, encompassing Santa Fe Springs, Norwalk, and Downey. We are proud to serve a diverse student population across nine schools, consisting of seven elementary schools and two middle schools. 
Mission Image


With a focus on learning, the shared mission of the Little Lake City School District community is to provide a quality education that ensures success for every student.
Superintendent's Message Image

Superintendent's Message

At the Little Lake City School District, student achievement is at the forefront of our mission, and we have been consistently recognized for our dedication to academic excellence. We are honored to have received numerous accolades, including the distinction of being designated as “Title I Academic Achieving Award Schools” and “California Gold Ribbon Schools” for all our schools.

News & Announcements

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